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Prompt $ sudo gdb <executable> <corefile>
Here we can see we died with a SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
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Or use the additional switch -tui to enter visual mode e.g.
Using select <n> will switch to stack frame N and handily show the source associated with that frame.
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The _siginfo structure provides this
(gdb) print $_siginfo._sifields._sigfault.si_addr
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(gdb) bt
(gdb) backtrace
Where we see that ippe_debug_print caused the crash and the offending line was 13627 of /tmp/Default.c - which is the temporary file created by ./peplc default_Enterprise.pepl - the Default comes from the module name at the top of this pepl source file
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Sometimes the brief backtrace just doesn’t offer enough and we want a full backtrace
This gives much more information about the parameter passed etc, unfortunately in the case of IPPERTE/PEPL much is optimised out
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There’s no exact way of doing this for scalar variables the pepl and c variable names are identical for example in frame 5 of bt full above:
So now we clearly know what pepl proc was running at the time of the problem. Stack frame 4 tells us that the pepl had called: ippe_register_port
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So from the above we see that the function ippe_register_port was called, but in our PEPL source code there is no such call. Of course we might guess that’s it’ll be related to port registration but there is a way to be more certain:
Port_Out_Id = registerPort(Port_Out, False, True)
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Variables in PEPL generally match closely to their C names. Here are some variables defined half way into the PEPL proc UserInput in the class we are using as an example Symmetric_Routing
What happened to the variable declared as: Number i - it is not in the c struct? The answer to this is that it was never used and so PEPL optimised it out.
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While bt full will show you the values of variables in the stack frames - which is good sometimes we want to see the contents of memory, where available:
Show whether gdb stops printing an array on the first null character.
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It can be useful to see what’s just been input or output (note for the ipperte for this may give a good clue as the last command processed and therefore the time…):
_vtable_offset = 0 '\000', _shortbuf = "", _lock = 0x7f59373829e0, _offset = -1, __pad1 = 0x0, __pad2 = 0x7f59373814e0, __pad3 = 0x0, __pad4 = 0x0, __pad5 = 0, _mode = -1, _unused2 = '\000' <repeats 19 times>
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Sometimes we want to inspect variables in stack frames other than 0, to do this we can use the command select <n> to change reference to a different stack frame e.g.