Versions Compared


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Where you see <username> and <password> use the credentials you have set.

If you do not know these please contact support.

  1. Download and install IPMI View onto the system

  1. Run as an administrator, running it normally refuses to open the program.

  1. You should see a UI like this, click on the magnifying glass to begin searching for systems

NOTE: You should be connected by ethernet in the computer room, so that your IP address has 202 in it.


  1. Search for computers in the range and Also click on detect for the network mask

  1. You can search both IPMI 1.5 and 2.0, eventually you should see computers appearing in the interface. Shift-Click and save all of them (that you need); then exit the box.

  1. You should then have all your saved computers/systems in the IPMI domain panel

  1. Right mouse on a system, and click open in browser, you should see this in your browser (pictured below)


  1. Login to supermicro with ADMIN as the username and ADMIN as the password. The screen you get is as such (In the browser)


What can you do?

Home Screen - Click on the preview image, which will download a Java file. Run the Java file and it will allow you to access the console of the system


From here, login with itrinegy<username>/itrinegy <password> (username and pswd) and type in ‘hostname -I’. This should give you the true IP of the system and you can therefore work out which one it is.


202.29 did not work, .32 also didn’t work with the same error, likewise with .34, .37, .38 and .49. The following error was displayed by all 6 of these systems...

How do you find the IPMI address if the system is booted into Linux?

Using Supermicro’s ipmicfg

From INE V9.0.3016 and NE-ONE V5.0.6 onwards we supply supermicro’s tool called ipmicfg in /ippe/bin/


 -g <gateway>               Sets a Gateway IP (format: ###.###.###.###).


itrinegy@NE<username>@NE-ONE-Emulator:~$ sudo /ippe/bin/ipmicfg -m



itrinegy@NE<username>@NE-ONE-Emulator:~$ sudo /ippe/bin/ipmicfg -k

Subnet Mask=

itrinegy@NE<username>@NE-ONE-Emulator:~$ sudo /ippe/bin/ipmicfg -g


The command ipmicfg was downloaded from Supermicro’s support site; you get a package called:  it contains the documentation and lots of exe’s for Windows, Linux etc.  I just took the single exe from the Linux 64bit folder called IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64 and copied it to /ippe/bin/ as ipmicfg.

Using ipmitool - which is not installed as standard and needs the internet to install it

The command:

$ sudo ipmitool lan print  | grep "IP Address"


For INE version 8.5 or NE-ONE V4.x you can obtain ipmicfg directly from iTrinegy NE-ONE and will need to scp or sftp it to the system


Default username/password ADMIN/ADMIN (yes - caps) as above

Setting a Static IPMI address

Here are the commands:

  • Turn off DHCP: sudo ./ipmicfg -dhcp off

  • Set IPMI address: sudo ./ipmicfg -m <ipaddress>

  • Set IPMI Gateway: sudo ./ipmicfg -g <gwadddress>

  • Set IPMI Subnetmask: sudo ./ipmicfg -k <subnetmask>


itrinegy@INE<username>@INE-Enterprise:~$ sudo ./ipmicfg -dhcp off

Successfully disable DHCP.

itrinegy@INE<username>@INE-Enterprise:~$ sudo ./ipmicfg -m


itrinegy@INE<username>@INE-Enterprise:~$ sudo ./ipmicfg -g


itrinegy@INE<username>@INE-Enterprise:~$ sudo ./ipmicfg -k


Click the iKVM/HTML5 button and it will launch a new web browser window to the console itself:

Virtual Media

You don’t need a USB stick - but you do need a SMB server (Windows filesharing).  Set up the Virtual media like this:
