This function is not currently accessible in the main application GUI, it is accessed via the API.

The process is slightly different for Standalone PFV Application, or the PFV App on a Paragon-neo instrument, both procedures are detailed below.

Note that currently only PTP data can be exported, Time of Day (ToD) data cannot.

Standalone PFV:

  1. Close down all instances of PFV and CAT

  2. Open PFV on the host PC then on that same PC go to http://localhost:1337/swagger-ui/index.html in a web browser. This will show the Swagger API for interacting with PFV.

  3. Click List Operations to show the available commands:

  4. Scroll down to the command /api/pfv/capture/{CaptureType}/table/export

  5. Enter the desired filename (without suffix), optional description and click  Try it out!

  6. The file is saved on the instrument with .csv file suffix at the path <user>\Documents\Calnex\PFV\Exports\

Paragon-Neo PFV:

  1. Navigate to Help → Documentation → API 

  2. Click List Operations to show the available commands:

  3. Scroll down to the command /api/pfv/capture/{CaptureType}/table/export

  4. Enter the desired filename (without suffix), optional description and click  Try it out! 

  5. The file is saved on the instrument with the .csv file suffix at the path: \PFV\Exports and can be accessed using the tools and instructions on the System → File Management page.