Calnex SNE: How do I add a corner in a connecting link?

Calnex SNE: How do I add a corner in a connecting link?

In versions 7.0 and earlier there was something called a Null Point, which existed for the sole purpose of enabling you to add corners in connecting links - usually to avoid drawing a line straight through a collection of impairments or other tools:

In the Web UI (version 11 onwards) there is no Null Point - so how do you add corners in your connecting links?

To do this you click on the small circle in the middle of your connecting link, and hold down your mouse button and drag it to the desired position:

Before adding corner

The key thing to be aware of here is that you need to be in Edit links mode in order for that small circle to be displayed. So if you don't see the circle, click on this button and then it will appear:


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