NE-ONE: v2022-3 Out Of Disk Space - What to Remove

by Calnex

NE-ONE v2022-3 Out Of Disk Space - What to Remove


Where you see <username> and <password> use the credentials you have set.

If you do not know these please contact support.


Sometimes you can run out of disk space on NE-ONE v2022-3 and need to clear it up.

Cleaning Up files using the Web GUI

Some files can be found through the File Browser - look in particular into:


  • Admins' home folders (/Private) and sort by filesize - you'll probably see:

    • *.itu files - these are software update files and can be freely deleted (right click on them then choose delete)

    • *.itr_diagnostics files - these are files produced by the diagnostic utility ad unless you are in the middle of a support case they can also be freely deleted

  • The top level /Backup folder can contain backups which are large - if they have been downloaded to your system, or you don't need them anymore you can freely delete them

  • the top level /Run_Data - folder contains data collected for reporting purposes for each run in separate folders, and also collects System data for non-emulation items, like Ports (Hardware, vNIC & Soft Ports) - these can build up but removing them can be time consuming


However this does not find all the files e.g. operating system log files and also due to the time involved in deleting individual files you might prefer to use the console:

Cleaning Up files using the Console

NB - In the instructions below be careful not to delete files that are outside the /ippe, /var/logs, /var/tmp and /tmp folder structures - they may be critical to the operation of the System


1) ssh <username>@<NE-ONE's IP address>

or use PuTTY or similar to ssh to the system.


2) you will be logged into the console menu - please exit this by choosing option E then <Enter key>


3) At the command prompt issue the command df -H e.g.


<username>@NE-ONE:~$ df -H

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

udev 4.2G 0 4.2G 0% /dev

tmpfs 835M 959k 834M 1% /run

/dev/sda1 106G 39G 62G 100% /

tmpfs 4.2G 0 4.2G 0% /dev/shm

tmpfs 5.3M 0 5.3M 0% /run/lock

tmpfs 4.2G 0 4.2G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup

tmpfs 835M 0 835M 0% /run/user/1000



We are looking at the root device (/ in the 'mounted on' column)


If it is full (Use% = 100% or close to 100%) we need to find the big files:


4) issue the command: sudo find / -size +100M -exec ls -l {} \;

This finds and lists files that are larger than 100MB in size


Now proceed as follows:


a) files with this name pattern:

/ippe/filesystem/run_data/<username>/<Network name>/<Network name> <date-time>* Statistics.sqlite3

contain statistics from old runs and can be deleted with sudo rm <filepath>

[this includes the username System, which collects background data for System objects even though you cannot specifically login to that user via the GUI]


b) files in /ippe/logs/ that are large can be deleted (sudo rm <filepath>), especially those with 'core' in their name. If you have recent core files please let support know - you might have an issue.


A very large ippe.log can be deleted but we'd like to know what is using up the space in the file please can you an tail the last 5000 lines:

tail -5000 /ippe/logs/ippe.log

and let us know if there are any repeating errors


c) Files ending in .itu are software updates e.g.


they can also be freely deleted with sudo rm <filepath>


d) On one occasion we found some very large files in /var/log e.g. syslog.1

These can be deleted too with sudo rm <filepath> - again a quick look (with tail -5000 <filepath>) into the file to see if there are repeating errors that made them large would be good.


e) Files with the name *.itr_backup are backups and can be large, if you no longer need them you can delete them with sudo rm <filepath>


f) Files with the name *.itr_diagnostics are diagnostics files and can be large, if you no longer need (you're not discussing a case with support) them you can delete them with sudo rm <filepath>


5) After these deletions please run df -H again. Has that cleared enough space?

a) if yes then: if the product is unresponsive from the web GUI reboot it (sudo reboot), if it is already responsive from the GUI you can reboot it from the GUI (Management -> Platform Settings -> Control -> Reboot

b) If no, then go back to step 4 and change the +100M to +50M in the find command to look for files > 50MB and if that does not clear enough space 20MB to look for even smaller files taking up space.