NE-ONE: How to Recover Emulation Files via SSH Connection

In order to recover your emulation files, will need to login to the console (via SSH).

Use the username/password combo (or use whatever password you changed it to). For example from Windows command prompt:


PS C:\Users\FRP> ssh neone@ ← change this IP address to your systems IP address

<username>@'s password:


You get:

Select option E from the menu to exit into the shell. You get to the system prompt




Now run the following command:

sudo cp -r /ippe/filesystem/home/[username that you use to log into WEB GUI - default “admin”]/networks/ /home/itrinegy/

If you are using Windows begin by downloading your preferred SSH and SFTP clients if they are not already installed:



NOTE: MacOS and Linux have built-in client software that can be used from the terminal or shell.


Launch your SFTP client and connect to the Management Port IP Address of your Appliance.

Go to /home/itrinegy folder.

Transfer the “networks” folder that you copied to your local computer and exit the SFTP client.