Paragon-neo/100G: Automation

Paragon-neo/100G: Automation

All Paragon products can be automated using Python or Tcl.

Support for scripting is provided through wrappers. These wrappers translate from script calls into the native interfaces on the instrument.

Paragon-neo/100G has two native interfaces:

  • RESTful: A fully-featured REST interface supporting all functionality of the instrument, automation scripts can easily be generated using the on-instrument Script Recorder application. The calnexRest wrappers include extended utility commands to make scripting of common tasks easier.

  • Paragon-X compatibility: A limited interface intended to provide a mechanism to port existing Paragon-X scripts.

Reference Documentation

The RESTful interface is documented on-line in your instrument:

The limited Compatibility Interface is documented in the same Remote Control Manual as is provided with Paragon-X. It can be found in your Start menu or from the Paragon-X GUI under Help→Remote Control.

Wrapper Operation

RESTful Wrappers

The RESTful wrappers are shipped in your instrument and can be referenced from: "http://<ipAddr>/Calnex100G/RemoteControl/". Python and Tcl wrappers are provided. The Perl wrapper is no longer being actively maintained or supported on Paragon-neo/100G.

The on-instrument Script Recorder function will generate a user script from the actions performed, this is the easiest way to begin automating the instrument operation:

Paragon-X Compatibility Wrapper

Limited support for Paragon-X style commands are available to enable existing Paragon-X scripts to be used. See this page.


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