Calnex SNE: How do I upload files quickly to SNE?

Calnex SNE: How do I upload files quickly to SNE?

This article relates to SNE versions up to and including version 7.x. It does not apply to the Web UI (web browser-based user interface).

For SNEs with the optional 1TB Solid State Drive for non-volatile PCAP storage (as ordered using the CAPTREP option), it can take a very long time to upload large PCAP files from the GUI client. A far quicker way is to use the REST API, which can be easily accomplished from the SNE's 'Swagger' webpage.

To upload PCAP files using the REST API Swagger page, use the following steps:

Open a web browser and navigate to http://<IP_address>/swagger (replacing <IP_address> with the IP address of your SNE). You should see the following:

Scroll down to POST /api/files/capturereplay