O-RAN O-DU test patterns

These patterns are for use with Paragon-neo to test O-DU devices intended for use in an LLS-C1 or LLS-C2 topology (mandatory requirement) or LLS-C3 or LLS-C4 (optional) as per the requirements of the O-RAN CONF document clause 3.3.7.

These patterns are built-in to Paragon-neo O-RAN Conformance Test App. The CAT masks for use with these impairments are built-in to CAT standalone and integrated into Paragon-neo.

There are sinusoidal model patterns and a noise model pattern. For testing an O-DU at G.8271.1 Reference Point C, O-RAN CONF advises that the noise model pattern is more representative of real network conditions and transients, and therefore a more effective test of the O-DU under emulated network conditions.

Noise Model Pattern

This pattern meets the network limit mask defined in ITU-T G.8271.1 Table 7-1/Figure 7-2, it has been generated using the time/phase error noise model method described in G.8273.2 Amd1 (02/2022) Appendix IX and includes the effect of a suppressed physical layer re-arrangement transient on the PTP time error. This pattern is built-in to Paragon-neo from R10.

  File Modified

ZIP Archive G.8271.1_FTS_Clause_7.3_(Ref_Point_C)_Tolerance_Noise_Pattern.zip

Dec 05, 2022 by Billy Marshall

Sinusoidal Model Patterns (from WG4.CONF v09.00)

These patterns use the sinusoidal tones specified in O-RAN CONF v09.00 Table 3.3.7-1 to create the time/phase errors. They will be built-in to Paragon-neo from R12.

The amplitudes used in these patterns have been modified from the earlier versions to better represent the limits defined by the MTIE mask from G.8271.1; the frequencies used have not changed. The superseded patterns from CONF v08.00 and earlier are in the section below this one.

These new amplitudes are slightly higher than the previous values, and may therefore cause an O-DU that previously marginally-passed to now fail. Compliance with WG4.CONF requires that these new patterns are used for testing.

Superseded Sinusoidal Model Patterns (from WG4.CONF v08.00 and earlier)

These patterns use the sinusoidal tones specified in O-RAN CONF v08.00 and earlier, Table 3.3.7-1 to create the time/phase errors. They are built-in to Paragon-neo R10 and R11.