NE-ONE: Functional Questions (Professional)

NE-ONE: Functional Questions (Professional)

1-) How long does it take to setup and configure an NE-ONE Professional?

The NE-ONE Professional has been designed with ease-of-use in mind and typically takes less than 30 minutes to setup, configure and then run a test network.

2-) What is the Network Management Port for?

The network management port allows you to connect the NE-ONE Professional to your network, so that you can access the Web GUI to setup and manage your test networks. It is not part of the test network and it’s not possible to pass traffic from the management port to the emulation ports.

3-) How many physical ports do I need?

On NE-ONE Professional emulation ports are grouped into pairs, i.e. Ports 0&1 or Ports 2&3.  Equipment can be directly attached to a port or external switches so that multiple devices can be connected to a single NE-ONE port.  The port pair is limited to a maximum bandwidth so consideration needs to be given to the total amount of bandwidth needed for your test.

4-) What is a Network Link?

A network link is a set of configurable network conditions, such as bandwidth, latency, loss, congestion, etc. that provide an overall network experience.  Up to 20 simultaneous network links can be created depending on the NE-ONE Professional model. 

5-) Can you have different network conditions simultaneously?

Different network conditions can be configured for each link including different conditions set for the uplink/downlink.

6-) How many Network links do I need?

You need a network link for each simultaneous network experience that you would like to run.  For example, if you have 7 users each requiring their own network experience for testing, then you will need 7 network links.  It’s sometimes useful to add an additional link to allow some traffic, e.g. VNC/RDP to flow through the NE-ONE without being affected by any impairments.

7-) How do I send traffic down a particular network link?

Each link has a set of simple qualification criteria allowing you to easily specify what traffic traverses a particular link and there is no need to setup complex routing.  You can qualify traffic by its:

·        IP Address

·        TCP / UDP Ports

·        VLAN

·        Advanced (Wireshark-like) Expressions

or any combination of the above.

8-) What is a Flex NE-ONE?

A Flex NE-ONE is a virtual or software appliance that can run on VMware ESXi server, Openstack KVM, AWS Cloud or Microsoft Azure.  The product GUI and features are identical to its hardware counterpart although there are some limitations routing when running in the cloud.

9-) Can the NE-ONE Professional be used in an office environment?

The NE-ONE Professional Desktop unit is designed to be quiet and compact enough for use in an office or lab environment.

10-) Can I do everything through the Web GUI?

The NE-ONE Professional enables you to control all of its configuration and functionality through its intuitive and easy-to-use Web GUI.

11-) Is there an API Capability?

The NE-ONE Professional Model 20 and X-Series support a full RESTful API.  Every command issued through the Web GUI is available as a RESTful API.

12-) Can the NE-ONE Professional be used by multiple users/teams?

Additional non-administrative users can be created and some models allow multiple emulations to be run at the same time independently of each other.

13-) Can you automate changes in the test network?

There are two methods to automate changes in the test network.  First there’s the RESTful API as described in question 11.  Secondly there’s the Network Scenario Builder that allows you to easily create real-world scenarios where conditions are constantly changing.  For example, a train journey where you may start on WiFi but as the train moves away from the station it transitions to a good 4G mobile network, then an outage, then to a bad 3G and so on. 

14-) What Warranty and Support Services do you offer?

Calnex Support Service (CSS) provides a full 12 months Support and Maintenance service, as standard with your initial purchase, which gives you access to all new product updates; Email & Telephone Support and Appliance Warranty.  Support and Maintenance Services can be extended for subsequent years.

15-) Can NE-ONE pass traffic even when a test network isn’t running?

NE-ONE's ‘default transmission’ feature allows you to control if network traffic is allowed to pass through the NE-ONE even when a test network isn’t running.

16-) How can I connect devices, for example mobile devices which do not have an ethernet port?

In this scenario you will need to connect a wireless access point (WAP) to the NE-ONE and then connect the mobile devices to the WAP.  It’s recommended that the WAP and mobile test devices are near to each other to ensure that it’s a perfect network.  Then as traffic from the mobile devices pass through the NE-ONE it can be impaired to create the effects of a mobile network, for example 3G or 4G, satellite network or any other type of network.

17-) Will the product work in-line with applications?

The NE-ONE is designed to be able to work in-line between clients and servers and is able to affect all traffic or only the traffic that you specify.

18-) Is the NE-ONE Professional a Layer 2 or Layer 3 device?

The NE-ONE Professional can be configured as either a Layer 2 (bridge) or Layer 3 (routed) device.   For layer 3 NE-ONE’s emulation ports are assigned IP addresses that respond to ICMP ping requests.