Calnex SNE Ignite: Releases
If you have an SNE Ignite and a valid Calnex Support Service (CSS) contract, the latest release can be downloaded from the Calnex Customer Support Portal. Release notes are also available from the same location.
Software upgrade instructions can be found in the SNE Ignite Operating Manual, accessible from the GUI of the instrument.
Version 2.0.0
Provision of 100G interface support on SNE Ignite. Please note that a maximum of 8 profiles (4 in each direction) are supported at 100G.
At 25G, FEC can now be enabled or disabled based on the user’s preference in the Physical Port Settings. The default status for 25G is FEC enabled.
Addition of PTP filtering for Layer 2 (Ethernet) and Layer 3/4 (UDP IPv4) – see Calnex SNE Ignite Operating Manual for further details.
The following issue has been resolved in this release:
Intrinsic latency can climb to 200-400us when throughput exceeds 99.7% at both 10G and 25G line rates
Additional Information
Please note that dual rate 10G/25G optical modules are not supported in SNE Ignite.
Version 1.1.1
Jitter functionality that includes:
Added ability to apply jitter through the delay impairment.
Generate jitter profiles.
Upload and download profiles.
Additional Information
Please note that dual rate 10G/25G optical modules are not supported in SNE Ignite.
Please contact Calnex Support via to obtain this software release, if required.
Version 1.0.0
This is a factory only release.
Please contact Calnex Support via if version 1 software is required.
This is the initial release version for SNE Ignite, featuring:
10G and 25G line rates
Support for Forward Error Correction at 25G (RS-FEC IEEE 802.3 Clause 108 RS (528,514))
Support for Jumbo packets (up to 12,000 byte frames) at all rates
Minimum system latency of 6.8us*
Constant delay functionality
Packet drop functionality (burst, rate, rate periodicity)
Filtering of specific traffic types (including eCPRI, RoE and GTP)
Live Impairment changes
Internal/external Reference Clock
100% line rate
*Refer to product datasheet for full specification.
Functionality not part of this release
Jitter impairment - Please note for this release Jitter is disabled – Jitter to be added to upcoming release – contact support for details.
Additional Information
Please note that dual rate 10G/25G optical modules are not supported in SNE Ignite.