Calnex SNE Ignite: Maximum delay reduced with multiple profiles

Calnex SNE Ignite: Maximum delay reduced with multiple profiles

When a new profile is added to the MX Profiles component on a map, it automatically reserves a minimum amount of delay for that profile, even if no delay is configured on the delay node.

This has the effect of reducing the available maximum delay for any active delay node. Currently the UI does not indicate that reduction is in effect - the map will simply not run, with an error message stating that there is not enough delay available.

A number of factors will determine how much the maximum configurable delay value in an active delay node is reduced by. These are:

  • Port link speed

  • Data rate configured in active delay node(s)

  • Whether Jumbo Frame mode is enabled

  • Number of profiles present

The tables below show the reduction of maximum configurable delay (in µs) per profile added, for each data rate option, at 10G and 25G, respectively, and with Jumbo Frame mode on and off.


Port linked at 10G:

Data rate

Reduction in max delay per profile (µs)

Jumbo Frame mode on

Jumbo Frame mode off

500 Mbit/s



1 Gbit/s



10 Gbit/s



Port linked at 25G:

Data rate

Reduction in max delay per profile (µs)

Jumbo Frame mode on

Jumbo Frame mode off

500 Mbit/s



1 Gbit/s



10 Gbit/s



25 Gbit/s



For example, with ports linked at 25G, Jumbo Frame mode on, and a data rate of 10 Gbit/s, the maximum configurable delay value is 3000000µs when only the default profile is present. Each profile added will reduce this by 22.125µs. So that with 7 additional profiles present, the maximum delay value is now 2999845.125µs.