SNE: RJ45 1G Port Link Up/Down (15.0.0)

In SNE 15.0.0, the option to perform link up and link down via API for RJ45 1G ports was added.

This implementation is slightly different to how other port-related API calls are implemented.

For other port-related calls, the port number is 0-indexed so e.g., if performing an action for port 1, the call will use the integer 0 to refer to the port and integer 1 for port 2, etc.

For the linkup and linkdown calls for RJ45 1G ports only, the integer number in the call should match the actual port number. So integer 1 for port 1, integer 2 for port 2, etc.

The below example would perform a linkdown on port 1, if it is an RJ45 1G port:
