Adding masks to CAT

Adding masks to CAT

CAT integrated on Paragon-neo and the standalone version both come with pre-installed masks as defined in ITU-T and other standards. You may want to define your own masks, or include additional ones provided by Calnex outside of the usual release cycle.

Masks are defined in xml format, and the process to create these is described in a separate guide:

This article assumes that the mask has already been created.


To enable the mask within CAT, simply copy it into the relevant location:

Paragon-X (Windows 10): for a default installation, masks are saved in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Calnex\CAT\Mask_XML folder. This location is where CAT installs bundled masks and may require Windows Administrator permission to write to. Alternatively for the user that installed CAT, a specific user masks folder is created at C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Calnex\CAT\UserMasks.

NOTE: When CAT is uninstalled or updated the folders above may be overwritten therefore copies of user masks should be stored in another location so they are not lost.


Paragon-neo: user-defined masks are stored in a location separate to the pre-installed masks. To add masks, open the System - File Management page in the GUI then navigate to the CAT - UserMasks folder. The upload icon (arrowed in the below screenshot) will then allow you to upload files to this folder. This method uses http for the file transfer and does not require Samba support on your network.


Paragon-100G/Paragon-neo: if your network supports Samba, Windows File Explorer can be used to upload the xml files. Enter \\<IP_address>\Calnex100G\CAT\UserMasks in the address bar to access the required folder, then copy and paste or drag and drop the required mask xml files.

New masks that have been made available outside of the usual release cycle may be found on the CAT Masks page.

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