ITU-T SG15 Standards Updates

ITU-T SG15 Standards Updates

ITU-T Study Group 15 (SG15) is responsible for the development of standards for the optical transport network, access network, home network and power utility network infrastructures, systems, equipment, optical fibres and cables. This includes related installation, maintenance, management, test, instrumentation and measurement techniques, and control plane technologies to enable the evolution toward intelligent transport networks, including the support of smart-grid applications.

Q13 in SG15 (Q13/15) is the group responsible for network synchronization and time distribution performance.

Q13 meets several times a year. During these meetings, new standards or changes to existing standards are discussed and, when approved ( at the SG15 plenary meetings), the new or modified standard is then published.

A set of flyers describing Q13 and some of the main outcomes from Q13 are available in the SG15 pages:

Stefano Ruffini (Calnex Strategic Technology Manager) is the SG15 Q13 Rapporteur. After each meeting, Stefano produces a summary of progress made during the meeting as well as relevant updates from other standardization bodies (e.g., O-RAN, IEEE 1588 WG, etc.). The most recent updates are listed below:

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