Paragon-X: How do I edit PDV profiles?

Paragon-X: How do I edit PDV profiles?

Is it possible for me to edit PDV profiles to make the debugging of my specific issues more efficient?

Paragon-X allows you to apply impairments to passing traffic in through-mode and in generated traffic in Master-Slave Emulation (MSE) mode. Impairments may be selected and configured from a set of standard functions including delaying packets, corrupting packets, overwriting specific contents of packets, etc.

In other circumstances, you may want to import an impairment profile to generate a specific test scenario. Calnex provides a number of standard impairment profiles for the G.8261, G.8263, G8273.2 and G8273.4 tests. In addition to these, users can also record PDV profiles from a live network for later playback as a PDV impairment. Sometimes it may be desired to edit the imported impairment to insert additional problems, attenuate some events or boost other events, or perhaps to cut out unwanted sections and focus on a particular area. The Paragon-X PDV editor allows this to be done.

Getting PDV Profiles

Impairment profiles can be downloaded from the Patterns page.

To edit a PDV impairment profile:

  1. Import a PDV impairment file (e.g. one of the test cases available on the Calnex website).
  2. Launch the PDV editor using Tools→PDV Editor→On
  3. Select all or part of the impairment and the PDV editor menu appears.

4. In this example, a section of the PDV replay is selected and then scaled to 50%

5. Save the edited PDV as a *.cpd file using File→Export Displayed

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