ITU-T G.8271.1 (Network Limits - FTS) One-Page Summary

ITU-T G.8271.1 (Network Limits - FTS) One-Page Summary

Title: Network limits for time synchronisation in packet networks


  • Defines the reference model for the packet synchronization network assuming full timing support

  • Defines network limits and time accuracy budgets at each point

  • Describes hypothetical reference models of the packet network


Key Contents

Network Limit at point C (network output) (clause 7.3.1):

Network Limit at point C (network output) (clause 7.3.2, enhanced syncE and class C clocks):

Example Network Design Budget (Appendix V):

Budget componentExample budget
Random error (dTE)200ns
Node error (cTE)

Type A:


Type B:


Link asymmetry (cTE)250ns380ns
Network limit point C1100ns
Holdover in end app.250ns
End application150ns
Total limit at point E1500ns

Hypothetical Reference Model (HRM):

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