Sentinel: Capture Files and Logs

Sentinel: Capture Files and Logs

When raising a Service Request with the Calnex Technical Support team, you will often be asked to provide capture data and log files. This article shows you how to find these files for Sentinel.

Sentinel Capture Files

The capture files are stored on Sentinel in the directory that was specified when the Start button was pressed. This directory and its contents should be copied from Sentinel. If a USB stick was used to store the data can be retrieved by copying to a PC. If the data is on the Sentinel internal storage then it should be copied by using FTP or by copying to a USB stick from the System->File Management screen.

Measurement data is stored in .dset files while the measurement settings are stored in the measurement.sta file.

Sentinel Log Files

Generate a problem report: System->About->Export problem report…

This exports the problem report to Sentinel’s internal memory or an external USB, whichever is specified. To download the problem report to a PC, the process is the same as for measurement files (above).

CAT Logs (Stand-alone CAT)

If you are using the stand-alone version of the CAT e.g. with Sentinel, then the CAT logs are stored in C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Calnex\CAT\Logs where <user> is the username of the person running the CAT. The Technical Support team needs all the information contained in the Logs folder and so it is recommended that the entire folder is provided as a zip file.

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