Paragon-neo/100g: Reading the Noise Transfer Table

Paragon-neo/100g: Reading the Noise Transfer Table

The Paragon-neo/100G has an integrated test for G.8273.2 Noise Transfer. The CAT shows the results of this test as a graph and also as a table. The example below shows you how to read this table from your script.


from __future__ import print_function
import sys

# Globals ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# The IP address of the instrument
ipAddr = "100g-vm2"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Import the wrapper functions
# It is assumed that the wrapper exists on the instrument
sys.path.append('//' + ipAddr + '/calnex100g/RemoteControl/')
import calnexRest as p

# Function to return the noise transfer table.
# This assumes that the measurement has stopped
# Metric type is either PTPNoiseTransfer or SyncENoiseTransfer
def printNoiseTransferTable ():
	# Get the number of rows
	numRows = p.calnexGetVal ("cat/measurement/DelayReq/D/PTPNoiseTransfer/-/dgv/count", "Count")
	# Print the column headers
	columns = p.calnexGetVal ("cat/measurement/DelayReq/D/PTPNoiseTransfer/-/dgv/columns", "ColumnLayout")
	for col in columns:
		print (col)
		print (col["Label"]+"   ", end='')
	print ()
	# The last two parts of the path are row start index and number of rows to return
	# Just use brute force and get everything
	tableRows = p.calnexGetVal ("cat/measurement/DelayReq/D/PTPNoiseTransfer/-/dgv/data/0/15", "Rows") 
	#print (tableRows)
	for row in tableRows:
		#print (row)
		#print (row["DataRow"])
		for column in row["DataRow"]["ColumnData"]:
			#print (column)
			value = column["Value"]
			print (value+"   ", end='')		

p.calnexInit (ipAddr)
printNoiseTransferTable ()

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