NE-ONE: v202x Password Recovery
NE-ONE v202x Password Recovery
Where you see <username> and <password> use the credentials you have set.
If you do not know these please contact support.
In order to reset the Admin user password for the you will need to login to the console (using screen and keyboard, or ssh if you know the IP address).
Use the username/password combo (or use whatever password you changed it to). For example from Windows command prompt:
PS C:\Users\FRP> ssh neone@ ← change this IP address to your systems IP address
<username>@'s password: ← <password> (or whatever you changed it to)
You get:
Select option E from the menu to exit into the shell. You get to the system prompt
Now run the following command:
<username>@NE-ONE:~$ sudo docker exec -it ippe bash
This gets you into the NE-ONE's docker environment. You get to this prompt:
Now our only choice is to reset the password to the factory shipping one.
Issue this command:
root@NE-ONE:/# cp -p /ippe_clean/config/users/admin/properties/password \ /ippe/config/users/admin/properties/password
This is one command, but due to the width of this document it is written over two lines above (the \ at the end of the line is bash's continuation character)
Restart the environment to be sure with this command (it may not be absolutely necessary, but this makes sure the new file is read in):
root@NE-ONE:/# kill -1 1
Wait about a minute and you should now be able to log in to the web GUI as admin with password admin. You can change the password to something else using the password change facility in the web GUI