NE-ONE: How do I upgrade the software?

NE-ONE: How do I upgrade the software?

When Upgrading - whatever method is being used to upgrade, it is recommended that a backup of the current system is taken first - using:

  • For v2021 or later
    Management [menu]→Platform settings→Backup

  • For INE v9
    Help → Support → Backup

  • For v5
    Settings → Appliance → Backup

Also, we strongly recommend you take a snapshot of your virtual product before performing an upgrade if you have a Virtual NE-ONE.


Where you see <username> and <password> use the credentials you have set.

If you do not know these please contact support.


The upgrade is performed by using the standard method. Use the Web GUI to go to: Management [menu]→Platform settings→Software Update and then upload the appropriate update file (.itu file).   It will take several minutes to complete.

If you're currently using NE-ONE (Enterprise or Professional) v2022.01.630 or lower please read the points below, otherwise skip over them, as it is a standard upgrade including new features, improvements and bug fixes as detailed.

  1. Before upgrading please note the serial number of your system (if hardware) or the current License Id (hardware or virtual) - which you can get from Management [menu] → Platform Settings → License)

  2. The License Id (aka fingerprint) will change after this upgrade.  From the homepage please click License Now and email your new License Id to support@ne-one.com together with the serial number or the old License Id we will update this on your records so you can get an updated licence key

Information for NE-ONE v2021 users 

If you're currently using NE-ONE (Enterprise) v2021.02.x please read this section, otherwise skip over it.

NE-ONE v2023 will seem very familiar to you.  This version is a direct upgrade from  NE-ONE (Enterprise) v2021.02.

You can upgrade from v2021.02.275 or v2021.02.398 or v2021.02.437 with a standard upgrade kit (.itu file), however please note the following:

  1. Before upgrading please note the serial number of your system (if hardware) or the current License Id (hardware or virtual - which you can get from Management [menu] → Platform Settings → License)

  2. The upgrade will take quite a lot longer than usual (allow at least 15 minutes after the patch has uploaded).  This is because the underlying operating system and associated packages are also upgraded from Ubuntu 18 LTS to Ubuntu 20 LTS

  3. The License Id (aka fingerprint) will change after this upgrade.  From the homepage please click License Now and email your new License Id to support@ne-one.com together with the serial number or the old License Id we will update this on your records so you can get an updated licence key

  4. After the upgrade your admin password will be reset to the default (admin) which should be changed as soon as possible. Other users will require a new password to be set by the admin, which they can later change.  This is because we have enhanced password security under Ubuntu 20, and as it is (clearly) not possible to decrypt a user's current password and re-encrypt it, so they must be reset.

Information for NE-ONE v5 users

If you're currently using NE-ONE v5 please read this section, otherwise skip over it.

NE-ONE v2023 will seem quite a bit different to you, as it is a big jump from NE-ONE v5, though similar in concept.  

To help you, there is a general tutorial video available on the homepage of the system and like NE-ONE v5 there are context sensitive videos and documentation on most of the pages.

You can upgrade from any NE-ONE v5.0.x version using two patches:

  • First a pre-patch which resets the php maximum file upload setting to allow the main patch to be uploaded

  • Then the main patch file

Calnex has created a specific guide to the upgrade process with screenshots to help ensure that it goes smoothly. Please download and have the upgrade guide available while you do the upgrade.

Please note the following, before upgrading:

  1. Before upgrading please note the serial number of your system (if hardware) or the current Host Id (hardware or virtual - which you can get from Settings [menu] → Licensing)

  2. Perform the upgrade from a system local to the NE-ONE, as doing it over a slow internet connection may cause the manin patch upload to time out.

  3. The upgrade will take quite a lot longer than usual (allow at least 15 minutes after the main patch has uploaded).  This is because the underlying operating system and associated packages are also upgraded from Ubuntu 18 LTS to Ubuntu 20 LTS

  4. The Host Id will change to a License Id (aka fingerprint, which is much longer) after this upgrade.  From the homepage please click License Now and email your new License Id to support@ne-one.com together with the serial number or the old Host Id we will update this on your records so you can get an updated licence key

  5. After the upgrade your admin password will be reset to the default (admin) which should be changed as soon as possible. Other users passwords will need to be reset using the Management [menu] → Platform Settings → Users feature.  Users can then change them to their own preference via the GUI

  6. You'll be able to find your saved emulation files using the new File Browser (Management [menu] → File Browser → click Up (to go to /) → double-click Library (to go to /Library) →  double-click networks (to go to /Library/networks) and you'll see a folder containing your NE-ONE v5 files.   Double-click one of your files to convert it to NE-ONE v2022/v2023 format and load it. [If there are any issues with this conversion please email the file to support@ne-one.com for inspection by right clicking on it and choosing download from the right mouse menu]

  7. The upgrade does not preserve your port addressing on the emulation ports (0, 1, 2 3…).  Please make a note of the addresses and reapply them after the upgrade. 

Information for INE v9 users

If you're currently using INE v9 please read this section, otherwise skip over it.

You can upgrade directly from any INE v9.0.x version to v2022.07.882 using two patches:

  • First a pre-patch which resets the php maximum file upload setting to allow the main patch to be uploaded

  • Then the main patch file

You can then upgrade to NE-ONE v2023.07 using a standard update kit

NE-ONE v2021-2023  is very different to INE v9, while possessing the same capabilities - please read on for a summary of the differences.

NE-ONE Enterprise (v2021-2023) highlights:

  • A Brand New Web GUI for all Normal and Admin Operations - featuring:

    • Context Sensitive Documentation

    • An On-board Product Tour Video for getting started

    • A full set of On-board Context Sensitive Video Tutorials

    • Wizards to allow rapid creation of Network Designs

    • A flexible Multi Point Network Drawing Designer

    • A simple Point to Point network designer to make the simple - simple

    • A scenario builder to allow automation without scripting

    • Notes - NO Java or Flash are used in this GUI

  • Preferred Web Browsers: Chrome, Edge (but not Edge Legacy) and Firefox

  • A Brand New Reporting Tool (in addition to Graphs and Statistics)

  • A Brand New RESTful API

  • A built in Javascript engine to allow automated changing of the network

  • A Console Program for initial IP address setting and occasional low level diagnostics


  • The INE client GUI (INE-GUI) is fully deprecated

  • The CLI and Sockets API interfaces are partially deprecated

  • When Upgrading - whatever method is being used to upgrade, it is recommended that a backup of the current system is taken first - using INE-GUI Help → Support → Backup


When planning an INE Enterprise/Ultra to NE-ONE Enterprise v2023 Upgrade the following should be noted:

  • You will need to obtain a new style NE-ONE Enterprise Licence key from your support team

  • Two upgrade methods will be supported for v2023.2:

  1. For INE v7/v8 or v9 (though for v9 method 2 [below] is preferred). Perform a fresh install of NE-ONE Enterprise from a USB key.  INE v9 can be upgraded this way, but as you can store files on your INE in v9 you should  Backup your existing INE - using INE-GUI Help -> Support -> Backup (INE V9.0.x only), then re-image the system, then you can restore your backup later using v2022's Management [menu] → Platform Settings -> Restore feature

  2. For INE v9 use its patch (software update) mechanism to apply NE-ONE Enterprise v2022.08 as a pre-patch and then a patch - this method is limited to INE v9.0.x - for earlier versions (V8.x and V7.x) use method 1.  Then update to NE-ONE v2023.02 with a further software update


For any and all updates (including upgrades and patches)

Updates can only be applied to a system that has a current Support and Maintenance contract.

Updating a system which has expired maintenance will cause your system to stop working.


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