NE-ONE: How to clean up disk space automatically?

NE-ONE: How to clean up disk space automatically?

By default, the NE-ONE is delivered with a housekeeping agent active so that it does not run out of disk space.

The housekeeping agent is initially configured as follows:

  • Housekeeping starts deleting files when the used storage reaches the high watermark level of 30%

  • Housekeeping stops deleting files when the used storage reaches the low watermark level of 20%

  • The files older than 20 days are deleted in the following order (from top to bottom) until the low watermark level is reached:

- Upgrade kits

- System statistics

- Network statistics

- Operating system logs

- User logs

- Debug files

With the Argentum Release (v2024.12.2073), you can specify how often the housekeeping runs (see “Run Frequency”). It is 60 minutes by default.

For example, if the used storage reaches 30% (i.e. high watermark level) and deleting some upgrade kits results in the used storage reaching 20% (i.e. the low watermark level), the housekeeping agent stops deleting files (i.e. System statistics, network statistics, etc. are not deleted). If desired, you can modify the housekeeping agent’s high watermark level, low watermark level, the order in which the files are deleted, and the ages of the files that are deleted.

Setting the days value to -1 for a file type prevents that file type from being deleted. Therefore, if you set the days value to -1 for all file types, the housekeeping agent is effectively disabled.

