G.8262 (11.2.1, 11.2.2): TIE Masks
G.8262 (11.2.1, 11.2.2): TIE Masks
Why is the G.8262 TIE mask in CAT different to that in the standard?
TIE is plotted in the CAT on a linear scale. G.8262 plots the masks on a logarithmic scale. This makes the CAT look different from the standard but the mask is correct.
The mask in G.8262 is:
To use the G.8262 masks, the beginning of the mask must be aligned to the point at which the transient is applied. This can be done using the CAT's data analysis range. You can either drag the start marker (in blue on the left in the chart above) or set the range precisely using the control in the bottom right of the CAT UI.
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